Thursday, November 18, 2010

JI Lesson number two

I am currently working on a lesson plan over the Golden Ratio/Golden Rectangle/Fibonacci's Numbers.

Check out Donald in Mathmagic Land, it can be found in three parts on youtube or the DVD is very affordable on amazon. It's a 27 minute video and it's great to help show kids how math is everywhere in the universe.

I am very excited about this lesson, and looking through the websites I keep find enormous amounts of information. But I only have 48 minutes to teach the lesson!

My first JI lesson went very well. Although I tried to 'cram' too much into such a short amount of time I felt as if the students were understanding what I was trying to teach them.

Well, I need to get off of here!

About three weeks left for this semester. I am enrolled for my second to last undergrad semester. 12 hours, one of the "smallest" semester I have had at Southern. I think it will be a nice change of pace.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Some surprising videos

Hi, again! My first Junior Internship lesson went well today. I definitely learned A LOT though. But overall I thought I did decently well.

Below are two links about digital learners, about how our society has changed. If anyone reads this, this is something to see. If not, I know one day it will be nice for me to have and to remember how to set up my classroom.

both have shocking facts about our futures. Your way of thinking will be changed in 10 minutes.

Monday, November 1, 2010

working on first JI Lesson

Word problems!? Oh noooo!! =] This is a great link discussing students and their relationship with word problems and as teachers how we should help students over come that "fear" another great site that offers videos over two-step equations.